Rockfon Ceiling Tiles & Facett Soffit Tiles

Rockfon Ceiling Tiles are a comprehensive range of aesthetically pleasing durable tiles. Rockfon Ceiling Tiles feature a micro-texture surfaces, strong edges and excellent acoustics. They are also available in a wide variety of sizes and edges which meet the highest fire safety and sound absorption regulations.

The range is made up of tiles for all applications especially Hi End Acoustics, Healthcare Clean rooms, and Education.

Choose from the SONAR range, Color-all, the MEDICARE range, Artic, Tropic, and Facett Soffit Tiles.

The VERTIQ wall Absorber is the ideal panel to reduce noise in schools, gymnasiums, corridors and is available in three colours.

Rockfon Ceiling Tiles & Facett Soffit Tiles

Rockfon provides customers with a fantastic, complete ceiling system. They are adept at combining stone wool ceiling panels with suspension grids and accessories.

Rockfon ceiling systems are a fast and simple way to create beautiful, comfortable spaces. They are easy to install and durable, protecting people from noise and the spread of fire. Further, Rockfon Ceiling Tiles & Facett Soffit Tiles make a constructive contribution to a sustainable future.

Rockfon ceiling panels feature specific designs to provide acoustic ceiling solutions that are beautiful while creating healthy, comfortable spaces.

Rockfon Facett Soffit Tiles

The Rockfon Facett Soffit Tiles provide excellent acoustic, fire, thermal and moisture performance outcomes. These tiles utilise the Rockfix direct stick application while providing a clean finish, free of pins and tape.

Further the ease and flexibility of installation allows for a wide range of applications. They also feature easy adaptation to suit site specific requirements, substrates, and fixing details.

Noise Reduction

Rockfon tile designs a paint surface with noise absorption properties of stone wool. As a result, this reduces reverberation times.

Light Reflection

The Rockfon range features a tile surface that diffuses light reflection, up to 59%. As a result, they aid lighting design and general illumination levels without glare.

Moisture Resistance and Permeability

Rockfon Ceiling Tiles & Facett Soffit Tiles are moisture repellent and highly permeable. As a result, this ensures moisture and condensation are not trapped and can diffuse out of the system.

Explore the range below!

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